
Junior Fly is a Competitive Learning League for Boys & Girls grades 2nd & 3rd. The focus of the league is to introduce elements of the competitive game in a structured and supportive way to help young players get comfortable with competitive basketball. Another key element is introducing the importance of skills training and skill development.

Why Junior Fly?

Junior Fly was created based on two key insights:

1) Lack of programs for young competitive players

We heard this time and time again, “my son/daughter is more advanced and needs a more structured and challenging environment…but they are not quite ready for a full-on competitive league”. Many of these ‘early achievers’ tend to get caught in the middle. They are too advanced for programs designed for their age, but not mentally and/or physically ready for the next step up.

2) The lack of structure and rules in Beginner Leagues

There are several quality beginner leagues that do a great job introducing the game to young players in a fun and formative way. However, we noticed time and time again that many of these young players have a very difficult time transitioning from a beginner learning league (no steals, blocks, travels, double dribbles, score, ref, etc) to a full competitive basketball team in 3rd or 4th grade. We often saw players get frustrated and lose confidence because they went from a fun environment with minimal rules, to a very structured competitive environment, and they weren’t prepared.

Winter Session II Tryouts

Saturday, January 18th: 11:00a-12:45p

Season Overview


SAT JAN 18th @ 11-12:45p

Training Camp

SAT JAN 25TH @ 11-12:45p

SUN JAN 26TH @ 11-12:45p

Regular Season


FEB 1ST, FEB 8TH, FEB 15TH, FEB 22ND @ 11-12:45p


SAT MAR 1ST @ 11-12:45p

Season Fee


*Includes Jersey, T-Shirt, and Season-End Party

The League

Boys 2nd & 3rd Grade League
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Boys & Girls League for grades 2nd & 3rd

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Offense/Defense taught by paid coaches

Skills Training & Team Practice before every game.

Games are scored & officiated


  • Competitive learning league to help prepare young players for competitive basketball

  • Paid coaches will teach basic offensive and defensive plays

  • 4-on-4 format for better floor spacing

  • All activities are on Saturdays

  • 15-minute skills session & 30-minute team practice before every game

  • Games are played in 2 20-minute half’s (running clock) on 10-foot hoops

  • Referees will call basic violations to help players learn (travel, double dribble, fouls, etc.)

  • Score will be kept for the game, but learning remains the main focus over winning

  • Stealing the ball is allowed, but no double-teams or traps

  • Each player will receive a reversible Junior Fly jersey and a t-shirt